I'm David, a Product Designer based in Los Angeles.

I am currently a Sr. Product Designer at Beachbody, where I work primarily on large scale cross-platform initiatives and features to smaller UX/UI solutions. I’ve helped bring to life some great features that have tested really well with users and have gotten them really excited for what’s next at the company - which to me feels like a win since I try to advocate for the user and design with them in mind. It has taught me how to balance business goals for specific customers and time/budget constraints while still advocating for usability and, of course….making things look good.

Artistic pursuits have always driven my passion, whether it’s cooking, painting, photography, fashion, and of course, my work; I always try to imbue everything I create with zeal. I also have major wanderlust and love to learn about the world - especially when it comes to food!